CertLink Pilot Change

Posted 03/23/2020 | Continuing Certification, Subspecialities

March 23, 2020 

Dear ABOHNS CertLink Participant, 

The American Board of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery understands the impact the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is currently having on a local and global scale, especially in the lives of healthcare professionals. We are also unsure how long the pandemic will last. That is why we want to help alleviate as much pressure as we can from you during your participation in CertLink this year while you work through this difficult time. Below are the adjustments that will be made effective immediately concerning the CertLink successful participation requirement for 2020.

You will only need to answer all questions for 3 out of 4 quarters this year. This allows you to miss up to ONE full quarter of CertLink participation in 2020 with no penalty toward your successful completion of the pilot. No questions asked. If you already completed the questions for Quarter 1 (Q1) this year, then you can have a sabbatical quarter in Q2, Q3, or Q4 if desired. If you have not completed your questions yet for Q1 and are unable to do so, then you can wait until Q2 to resume completing your CertLink assessments. Quarter 2 ends June 30th.

We know this is a busy and stressful time for you, but if you have any questions concerning your CertLink participation our staff is happy to assist you. You can email questions/inquiries to Continuing Certification Specialist Kristen Beverly at knb@abohns.org.  
Best wishes from the ABOHNS for everyone’s continued health and safety.

Most Sincerely, On Behalf of the ABOHNS CertLink Team, 

Brian Nussenbaum.MD, MHCM
Executive Director